EU Award procedure ‘Effect evaluations’
The Ministry distinguishes three types of evaluations:
1. Policy evaluations;
2. Effect evaluations;
3. Other evaluations.
The Ministry plans all evaluations in a multi-annual evaluation programme (see Appendix F and G), which is updated annually as part of the Dutch government budget, presented in September. Some of the effect evaluations currently scheduled for 2016 have already been awarded to external evaluators. Gradually, as the new framework contracts come into force, a larger proportion of effect evaluations will be commissioned to Contractors. This framework contract may include additional effect evaluations, not yet included in the current evaluation programme, depending on the future requirements of the Ministry and its Dutch missions abroad.
The subject of this EU award procedure is a combination of quantitative and qualitative evaluations (according to the current framework agreement) and in addition just quality evaluations. In order to address all potential candidates, this EU award procedure will be divided into 2 lots:
— Lot 1: qualitative effect evaluations;
— Lot 2: combined quantitative and qualitative effect evaluations.
A substantial proportion of the evaluations listed in the evaluation program (see Appendix F and G) are subject to this tender procedure. Some may be carried out by IOB staff or may be contracted by multilateral agencies or Dutch implementing agencies.
Policy themes of the Ministry include:
1. Strengthening the international legal order and respect for human rights;
2. Security and stability;
3. European cooperation;
4. Providing consular services and promoting Dutch interests and values abroad;
5. Sustainable trade and investment;
6. Sustainable development, food security and water;
7. Social development;
8. Peace and security for development;
9. Strengthening frameworks for development.
Distinguishing the two types of effect evaluations:
1. The qualitative effect evaluations that are eligible to be awarded to shortlisted candidates have the following in common:
— they often require a contribution analysis, because attribution of effects to a single intervention is often not appropriate or feasible;
— they require a theory based evaluation approach, in which not only the expected result pathway is tested, but also one or several alternative pathways are tested;
— they require a transparent synthesis of different opinions, of involved stakeholders, and other, independent sources;
— they may involve in-country fieldwork, requiring collaboration with local evaluators.
2. The quantitative and qualitative effect evaluations that are eligible to be awarded to shortlisted candidates have the following in common:
— they require (at least partial) attribution of observed effects to interventions;
— they will require a mix of quantitative and qualitative evaluation methods;
— they may involve in-country fieldwork, requiring collaboration with a local organisation;
— they may require household-level surveys.
De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2016-03-25.
De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2016-02-12.
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