The supply of special gas mixtures and related services at JRC-IET

European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Energy and Transport

The Joint Research Centre (JRC-IET) runs several laboratory facilities having different scopes and serving different purposes at different locations within the campus of the Institute for Energy and Transport (IET). These facilities have extensive gas tube/pipe networks (with dimensions in imperial and metric units) including (automated) controls and auxiliary devices (i.e. suction huts, vent and exhaust pipes, etc.) and use various technical gases at different pressures and flow rates; some of these gases are categorised as harmful (asphyxiate, toxic and/or flammable). The type of gases already used include standard gases: argon, zero air, helium, hydrogen, nitrogen, etc. (which are out of the scope of this call), but also special mixtures of different gases in various concentrations (ranging from several VPPM up to several vol%), which are the subject of the current call. The Commission invites tenderers to submit an offer for the supply of various gas mixtures. All the gas mixtures shall be certified and, in particular cases, primary certified mixtures for calibration purposes will be requested.

De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2015-04-30. De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2015-03-13.



Datum Document
2015-03-13 Aankondiging van een opdracht
2015-05-12 Aanvullende inlichtingen
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Producten/diensten: Chemische producten Gassen