Market Consultation — Automatic Vehicle Management System for public transport vehicles

GVB Activa B.V

In the course of 2016, GVB intends to hold a European tender for the purchase of a new Automatic Vehicle Management System for Bus and Tram. This tender concerns in any case the renewal of the current AVMS back-end (server side) system, followed by renewal of the vehicle systems.
In anticipation of this, GVB wishes to hold a consultation round with market parties. A market consultation document has been drawn up for this consultation round which can be uptained via Tenderned of by emailing the contact person of this market consultation.
The aim of this market consultation is:
A. to involve interested parties in the set-up of the above tender and/or agreement at an early stage;
B. to consult the market in relation to exploring the possibilities for the renewal of AVMS;
C. in addition to answering the questions raised, interested parties are also given the opportunity to submit suggestions and ideas.
GVB hopes by doing so that any tender organised and agreement entered into will be optimally tailored to the market.
Renewing and vision:
The need to renew the current AVMS is the reason for this market consultation and the planned tender. GVB wishes to use this time to further optimise the operation process by using state-of-the-art functional and technical possibilities.
In addition, GVB has a vision and an architecture for its future IT. Each tendered system (or systems) must fit in with this vision and architecture and with regard to functionality must at least replace the current AVMS, which is why we are calling it the Renewal AVMS.
Current situation:
The current Automatic Vehicle Management System, EBS2, provides information for passengers, management and direction. The EBS2 system monitors the timetable performance and continually compares the scheduled situation to the real situation. The AVMS sends signals to the control room to adjust operations in case of scheduling derogations or incidents. The AVMS is also the source for travel information and accountability reports. An AVMS system fulfils an important role in the primary operating process of GVB.
More information to be found in the market consultation document.
Note: This is not yet a tender procedure.

De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2015-10-27. De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2015-09-19.



Datum Document
2015-09-19 Aankondiging van een opdracht
2015-10-21 Aanvullende inlichtingen
2016-08-31 Aanvullende inlichtingen