Maintenance and support NCTS

Belastingdienst, IUC Belastingdienst

This is an Open Call for Tenders for Maintenance and support of NCTS (New Computerized Transit System) on behalf of:
— Customs Department, Malta,
— The Revenue Commissioners, Ireland,
— The Dutch Tax and Customs Administration,
NCTS is also known as the Centrally Developed Transit Applications/ Nationally Operated (CDTA/NO).
The Transit information system is used to support the processing and monitoring of community transit and common transit movements. The Centrally Developed Transit Applications/ Nationally Operated (Transit) is also known as NCTS (New Computerised Transit System).
The use of the NCTS declaration system is based on European specifications to support the transit procedures. Processes are defined and electronic messages, rules and conditions are specified for the handling of transit declarations in the normal procedure and when applying the simplified procedures for authorised consignor and authorised consignee. In the Netherlands the transit declaration must be submitted electronically.
NCTS application:
The Contracting Authorities are responsible for ensuring the implementation in their country of NCTS processes as described before. This has been done with the implementation of the applications MCC (Minimal Common Core) and ECN (EDI/CSI Node).
The MCC (Minimal Common Core) contains the basic functionality for the registration and control of transit declarations. A part of the MCC is the module GMS (Guarantee Management System). This module is used for Guarantee administration and control.
The ECN (EDI/CSI server Node) is the communication module. It is the portal for all messages exchanged between the national, common and external domain. Furthermore, it is the portal for all messages exchanged between the national and common domain.
A further description of the above sub systems is described in Annex A of the Open call for tenders document.
Scope of tender:
The Contracting Authorities are issuing the Call for Tenders for a joint Transit Service for the maintenance and support of the current used Transit application.

De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2015-06-11. De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2015-05-01.

De volgende leveranciers worden genoemd in gunningsbesluiten of andere aanbestedingsdocumenten:



Datum Document
2015-05-01 Aankondiging van een opdracht
2015-05-11 Aanvullende inlichtingen
2015-05-22 Aanvullende inlichtingen
2015-11-23 Award Aankondiging