Lowering and Remedial Burial NorNed cable in Westereems area
The NorNed HVDC cable, constructed in the period between 2006 and 2008 is a HVDC long distance 450 kV power exchange link between Feda in Norway and Eemshaven in The Netherlands and for the first 270 kilometres consist of two identical single core mass impregnated cables with one common double steel armoring.
Due to (1) deepening of the Westereems shipping channel and (2) unstable seabed in the Waddensea area, the Cable burial depths must at these locations be increased while the Cable remains in operation.
This tender package contains the Works regarding; Part 1The Cable crosses the Westereems Shipping Channel at KP 40.182.The Westereems Shipping Channel will be deepened for vessel traffic reasons and in order to maintain the required burial depth the Cable has to be deepened accordingly between KP 39 and KP 43 along the cable route. Part 2On multiple locations in the area between KP 0.0 (the starting point at the dike at Eemshaven) and KP 57.0, due to its exposure to strong tidal currents and unstable seabed soils, the burial depth is no longer in line with licence requirements. Since rock-dumping is not allowed at these locations Remedial Burial activities are required to uphold the protection of the Cable.
De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2015-07-31.
De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2015-07-03.
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