Framework contract for gas installation services consisting of the installation and servicing of tubes and pipes and ancillary equipment including repairs, automation and controls of gas equipment at the JRC-IET
The European Commission through the Joint Research Centre (JRC) runs several laboratory facilities having different scopes and serving different purposes at different locations within the campus of the Institute for Energy and Transport (IET), Petten (north Holland). These facilities have extensive gas tube/pipe networks (with dimensions in imperial and metric units) including (automated) controls and auxiliary devices (i.e. suction huts, vent and exhaust pipes, etc.) and use various fluids (gases and liquids) at different pressures (normally 10 bar working pressure but in some facilities, up to 1 000 bar working pressure) and flow rates (up to 5 000 normal litres per minute, Nlpm) depending on the facilities where they are required; some of the gases are harmful (asphyxiate, toxic and/or flammable). The framework contract in cascade will be for the services of design and engineering, catalogue-based supply, and installation of new and/or extension of existent tube/pipe networks and ancillary equipment including repairs as well as automation and controls including electrical and electronic components, apparatus and devices, and programming on a project-by-project basis.
De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2015-05-19.
De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2015-03-25.
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