AVI Twente BV: Engineering and Construct MSW sorting facility

AVI Twente BV

AVI Twente BV: Engineering and Construct MSW sorting facility Project background: At this moment Twence has been investigating the possibility of a Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), coming from Dutch municipalities with a range of different materials and also consisting of packaging waste materials and Pre-sorted municipal packaging waste material (in Dutch KVM+), including plastic, liquid packaging board, paper and metal packaging materials (ferro and non-ferro), hybrid sorting facility at his site in Hengelo. An indicative capacity of the sorting facility is given as 150 000-250 000 tons of MSW and 25 000-50 000 tons of KVM+. Given the current developments with respect to recycling of (pre-sorted) packaging waste materials in the Netherlands, Twence has decided to send out a Request for Proposal to market parties, capable of developing a 'Engineer and Construct' (E&C) package for such a MSW and KVM+ sorting facility. — Maintenance can be added as an option in the contract — Location: It is foreseen that the complete handling and storage of the materials will be indoor. The contractor takes into account that certain civil restrictions should be considered. For the sorting facility there is an existing building provided at the Twence location. The dimensions (inside) are approximately 160*50*10 meters. For input and output material handling there is a possibility for a new building, the new building is out of the scope for this tender. Time table: Publishing the Specific Project Requirements May 2015 Evaluation of contractors September 2015 Finishing detail, Start construction End 2015 Start commissioning First Half 2016.

De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2015-04-30. De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2015-03-20.

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Datum Document
2015-03-20 Aankondiging van een opdracht
2015-11-30 Award Aankondiging