LTE-VN24&25: Boiler, piping and mechanical services

Nuon Power Generation B.V.

Nuon location Velsen consists of two power plants, Velsen 24 (VN24) and Velsen 25 (VN25). Both units have an output of approximately 360MW(e). Unit VN24 is built in 1974 and has a Vortex boiler manufactured by De Schelde. Unit VN25 is built in 1986 and has a Benson boiler manufactured by Stork Boilers.
Both units are fired with BFG (Blast Furnace Gas) supplied by TATA-steel. The main steam conditions are: 540°C and 200 bar (VN25) and 180 bar (VN24). The units are planned to run until 2026 with VN25 in base load and VN24 as backup (~2000h/ yr).
Nuon is extending the life time of its plants VN24 and VN25 to 2026, with unit VN25 in base load and unit VN24 as back up (~2000h/yr). The tendered contract(s) will be for the boiler, piping, LUVO and other mechanical services that must be executed.
Execution periods (planned):
— VN25: wk40-45 2015;
— VN24: wk3-14 2016.

De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2014-04-15. De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2014-03-18.




Datum Document
2014-03-18 Aankondiging van een opdracht
2015-06-23 Award Aankondiging