Framework Agreement for disposition rights (in Dutch: beschikkingsrechten) for crude oil and oil products ("CSO-tickets")

Stichting Centraal Orgaan Voorraadvorming Aardolieprodukten

The purpose of this tendering procedure (the “Framework Tender”) is to conclude this Framework Agreement between COVA and Selected Sellers who will be placed on a short list to receive invitations for the different tender procedures for the purchase of CSO-Tickets launched by COVA (“CSO-Tickets Tender”).
The Framework Agreement sets out COVA's tendering procedure for contractual rights to purchase certain volumes of stock of crude oil and oil products, the so-called Compulsory Stock Obligation tickets (“CSO-Tickets”).

De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2014-02-19. De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2014-01-10.

De volgende leveranciers worden genoemd in gunningsbesluiten of andere aanbestedingsdocumenten:



Datum Document
2014-01-10 Aankondiging van een opdracht
2014-04-28 Award Aankondiging