Korte beschrijving
The brake carrier is an essential part of the bogie of the VIRM train. The design of the brake carrier for VIRM has been updated by NedTrain in close cooperation with Bombardier Transport in order to improve the performance, lifetime and reliability. For the implementation of the new brake carriers, NedTrain is searching for a Candidate who can manufacture and deliver the Brake Carriers in accordance with the design, drawings and specifications of NedTrain and Bombardier Transport.
NedTrain intends to conclude a framework agreement for 2 years, with an option to extend the contract for another period of 2 years, with a supplier capable of delivering approximately 800 pcs of Brake Carriers for the VIRMm 1, 2 and 3 train series and with an option for approximately another 200 pcs for the VIRMm 4 train series. For further information see selection document.