Design, delivery, installation and commissioning of a heavy liquid metal experimental facility for mechanical testing
The Institute is planning procurement of a heavy liquid metal (HLM) experimental facility (further also referred to as 'the facility') for conducting pre-normative material testing inside realistic HLM environments.
The facility must allow performing high quality, separate effect tests of candidate structural materials for HLM-cooled fast reactors and HLM energy storage applications in temperatures up to 650 °C. Design parameters, systems, components and other equipment of the facility shall allow studying stress corrosion cracking/liquid metal embrittlement phenomena under tensile and compressive stress, and performing slow strain-rate tensile, fatigue, and fracture toughness tests with well-controllable parameters, in particular temperature, oxygen content in HLM, load and fluid flow conditions. Tests of the reliability of HLM chemistry control systems as well as related components, including instrumentation, shall also be possible. The facility shall be designed to use either pure lead or lead-bismuth eutectic.
De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2014-09-19.
De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2014-07-10.
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