Construction of a turnkey laboratory for battery testing modifying Building 314 at the JRC-IET in Petten as well as supplies and services related thereto
The European Commission (EC) has established through the Institute for Energy and Transport (IET) of the Directorate-General Joint Research Centre (JRC) (hereafter the JRC-IET) various research activities in the area of energy and transport.
In November 2011, the Director-General of the JRC signed a letter of intent for closer cooperation with the United States Department of Energy (DoE) on electric vehicles and smart grids. Within the frame of this letter of intent, the JRC-IET is establishing new activities related to electrification of transport including 1 project on battery energy storage testing for safe electric transport (BESTEST) in Petten (Netherlands). To fulfil the requirements and needs of this activity, the IET requires a new turnkey laboratory for battery testing modifying Building 314 at the JRC-IET in Petten as well as supplies and services related thereto.
The realisation of this laboratory requires the modification of an existing building (Building 314) where other experimental activities are also carried out. The laboratory shall include a control room, 2 chambers for testing the performance of electric vehicle battery packs under controlled environments and 4 chambers for abuse testing of battery cells. Due to the nature of the tests to be carried out, the high energy content of the investigated samples and the integration of the envisaged testing activities into an existing experimental infrastructure, the laboratory shall meet strict security, safety and environmental requirements in accordance with the applicable law.
The scope of the contract to be awarded entails:
1. the construction of the laboratory including the required modifications of the existing Building 314;
2. delivery, installation, commissioning, warranty and maintenance of the battery-testing-specific infrastructure, such as but not limited to, e.g., electric installations, fire alarm and fire fighting installations, laboratory safety system, gas detection, air extraction and air cleaning as well as nitrogen generation and distribution systems, collection of waste water, walk-in climate chamber
(the aforementioned under 1. and 2. predominantly amounting to works); as well as
3. delivery, installation, commissioning, warranty and maintenance of the required experimental equipment including but not limited to:
โ abuse testing equipment including 1 accelerated rate calorimeter,
โ cameras (IR/vis), and
โ a data acquisition system
(the aforementioned under 3. amounting to supplies and related services).
All works, supplies and services under the contract to be awarded must comply with the security, safety and environmental requirements applicable at the JRC-IET.
Within the scope of the contract to be awarded, the future contractor shall also be responsible for the integration of equipment that has been or is being procured outside the scope of this contract (e.g., X-ray computed tomography system, battery pack and module cyclers, etc.).
De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2014-05-26.
De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2014-04-11.
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