Construction Contractor for Pre-Construction Services and Construction of a Proton Therapy Center


This Tender is published to establish an agreement, to be concluded between the contractor and the PTCG b.v. for the pre-construction services and subsequent construction of a proton therapy center.
This tender concerns the pre-construction design team assistance services and the construction of a proton therapy centre. Separately, PTCG initiated a tender for the supply of the proton equipment. Good interface management between the two will be critical for completion of a successful project.
The Project, known as the Proton Therapy Center Groningen (PTCG) will consist of two treatment rooms that should provide a total capacity of 600 patients per year. In principle, the PTCG intends to treat all indications listed in the report of the Dutch Health Council (Gezondheidsraad): The ultimate goal is to apply the highest quality proton therapy technology currently available in order to provide high quality radiation treatment for all indications mentioned in this report, in particular for pediatric, brain, head and neck, breast, lung and prostate cancer patients.
To accomplish these goals, a facility of approximately Five Thousand (5000) square meters will be constructed. The facility will include a ground and first floor. Some mechanical and electrical equipment will be installed on the roof, but the majority of such equipment will be installed on the ground floor.
In addition to the construction of the facility, PTCG believes that having a contractor on-board as a “Pre-Constructive Advisor” as a member of the “Project Team”) during the design phase will greatly increase the potential for a successful project. The pre-construction services to be offered by the contractor will be an integral part of the overall design and constructability of the new facility.
PTCG b.v. is due to close financing and break ground in the second Quarter of 2015 with an expected completion date (first patient treatment) November 2017.

De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2014-03-31. De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2014-02-28.

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Datum Document
2014-02-28 Aankondiging van een opdracht
2014-08-12 Award Aankondiging