201401033.050.001 โ€” Integrated Water Resources Management Programme Rwanda 2014 - 2018

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Rwanda, Kigali

The Programme for Integrated Water Resources Management in Rwanda is a joint Rwanda โ€” Netherlands Programme implemented by the Government of Rwanda and supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands covering a period of in principle 4 years from December 2014 to December 2018, but likely beyond. The Programme specifically aims to strengthen the introduction and application of the principles and good practices of integrated water resources management (IWRM). The implementation and management of the programme will be contracted out to a service provider . EKN assists Rwanda in three spearheads: (i) Security and the (international) legal order, (ii) Food and nutrition security, and (iii) Water resources management. The strategic planning for the assistance is described in the Multi-Annual Strategic Plan Rwanda 2014 โ€“ 2017 of the embassy. The EKN Water resources management programme aims at the sustainable and rational management of water resources, meeting the country's needs for socio-economic development. The capability to conduct water resources development and management in accordance with IWRM is considered a crucial factor to achieve this aim. This is needed against a background of high population growth and a drive for fast economic development, which puts pressure on the rational and socially equitable distribution of water. The allocation of water will be mainly concerned with the increasing demand for irrigation in agriculture and for potable water supply. But other uses of water and land such as livestock, mining and industry will increasingly demand a share of the water resources. At the same time the availability of water for environmental functions, nature and biodiversity has to be ascertained. Both water quantity and water quality are of concern, the latter very much affected by rapid urban development, industrialisation including mining and intensifying land use as planned for the coming decades. In addition, the Rwandan topography and landscape is for a large part characterized by watersheds with steep hillsides and subject to short duration high intensity rainfall. The intensive land use and ever increasing demand for habitable and cultivable land tends to lead to deforestation, degradation of land, degradation of flood-plains, high sediment loads in rivers, and heavy short duration floods damaging river banks, agricultural land and infrastructure affecting economic development and sometimes causing loss of life. The implementation of IWRM asks for: โ€” Continuous adaptive policy development on the basis of learning from experience and research โ€” Scientific, technical and professional knowledge โ€” Institutional โ€”, managerial โ€” and individual capacity and capability, including the technical facilities and financial means โ€” Comprehensive awareness of the economic, social and environmental values of water for the water dependent sectors and society as a whole โ€” Broadly spread awareness of the importance of regulation of water use and the political commitment and means to enforce the law and regulations โ€” Broadly spread awareness of the potentially detrimental effects of water- and land use and subsequent drainage of waste-water by agriculture, industry and habited areas, especially the urbanised areas โ€” Above all the insight in the integrated and holistic aspects of water management and development, with the recurrent need for a multi-disciplinary approach to addressing water issues with full participation of all stakeholders, leading to not only more efficient and effective solutions but also to more sustainable solutions. The cooperation with Rwanda will be fully focused on assisting the development and strengthening of the above mentioned elements. Aim of the Programme The objective of the programme is to effectively manage water resources to contribute to sustainable socio-economic development and equitably improved livelihoods.

De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2014-11-26. De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2014-10-15.



Datum Document
2014-10-15 Aankondiging van een opdracht