201301033.046.001 — Statistical services
The Contract consists of 3 lots. The lots are as follows: Lot 1 ‘Cost of living’ and ‘Location Rating’ Delivering ‘cost of living indices’ and ‘location rating data’ so that staff posted abroad are able to live as if they were ‘at home' and are compensated for the hardship experienced at the mission and the additional costs related to the posting. Lot 2 ‘Rented accommodation’: The delivery of statistical data regarding the housing costs (rent and energy costs) of staff posted abroad. The housing must meet certain basic requirements in terms of security, accessibility and facilities. The housing costs should also related to primarily family size and as well as specific job/income categories. Lot 3 ‘building construction costs and building operating- and maintenance costs’: The delivery statistical data regarding the building construction costs and regarding the building operating- and maintenance costs of the Embassies abroad. The Embassy offices have to satisfy certain requirements like safety, accessibility and indoor climate as well as high quality standards (grade A building and A location).
De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2014-03-20.
De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2014-02-17.
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