RWE Technology GmbH

RWE Technology GmbH

RWE Generation NL (Essent) intends to award contracts for a biomass transport and storage system for biomass pellets for the Eemshaven Biomass co-firing Project at Eemshaven, The Netherlands.
The objective of the project is to co-fire 10 % biomass on a continuous base. This co-firing will take place at the coal-fired power plant being erected at Eemshaven as a twin-unit plant of approximately 780MW each.
The following lots will be contracted within the scope of this publication, either individually or combination. With a preference for combination of lots as it provides the possibility to technically optimise the combination of lots and as it eliminates interfaces between lots:
Lot 1: Pneumatic ship unloader,
Lot 2: Biomass transport system raw materials + storage system (silo),
Lot 3: Mill processing unit (hammer mill building),
Lot 4: Dust transport from hammer mills to the biomass day bins,
Lot 5: DCS: extension and/or modifications of existing DCS system
Lot 6: E- and I&C-services
Lot 7: Civil infrastructural works
Lot 8: Extension of general plant systems
All equipment has to meet the requirement from the environmental permit for the Eemshaven Power Plant.
Note: lots 3 and 5 are not contracted under this EU notice.

De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2013-06-19. De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2013-05-24.




Datum Document
2013-05-24 Aankondiging van een opdracht
2013-06-13 Aanvullende inlichtingen