Market consultation eID resource

Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties (BZK), vertegenwoordigd door de Haagse Inkoop Samenwerking (HIS)

This market consultation focuses on delivering a new resource for authentication and identification in the procurement of electronic services. In addition, there must be a capacity to load additional attributes on the chip or to place an electronic signature after issue of the resource. The object of the market consultation can be described as follows:
1. The Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (hereinafter IKR) has been investigating the introduction of an eID for some time. Now that plans are becoming more concrete, IKR wishes to inform the potential market parties officially and uniformly of the plans for the eventual introduction of an eID system and a new eID document.
2. Experts have formulated required conditions. IKR wishes to review these conditions for feasibility and effectiveness. Additionally, IKR wishes to be able to make a realistic assessment of the potential costs of an eID resource. The information obtained will be used in the preparation for decision-making on the eventual introduction of an eID system and the tendering procedure if that option is chosen.
3. To obtain a good picture of the existing, proven solutions available in the market. The questionnaire belonging to this Market Consultation (RfI) contains questions with regard to 6 subject areas:
1. Organisational details,
2. General,
3. Required conditions,
4. Technology,
5. Solution,
6. eID system.

De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2013-08-30. De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2013-07-08.




Datum Document
2013-07-08 Aankondiging van een opdracht