Flush roofsections VIRMm1 project

NedTrain B.V.

NedTrain intends to conclude a framework agreement for the duration of the VIRM Modernization project (VIRMm1 project), planned for the period of July 2014 till the end of 2020, with one supplier capable of delivering the required Flush Roof Sections. The Flush Roof section is part of the complete modernization project for the VIRM fleet. NedTrain has the intention to modernize also VIRM type 2 and 3 if the VIRMm1 project will be succesfully completed.
The purpose of the Flush roofsections is to improve the aerodynamics of the VIRMm1 train set, resulting in a lower energy consumption for the train.
Therefore NedTrain is searching for Candidates who can fabricate the Roof sections according to design, drawings and specifications from NedTrain. NedTrain reserves the right to extend the framework agreement for another period of 5 years to finalize the complete VIRM project. The purpose of the framework agreement is the realization of the delivery of 161 Flush Roof Sections for VIRMm1. If the modernization continues, 90 (ninety) flush Roof Sections for the VIRM 2/3 trains may be awarded as an option.

De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2013-11-15. De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2013-10-18.




Datum Document
2013-10-18 Aankondiging van een opdracht
2014-10-07 Award Aankondiging