Components for Train Emergency Braking System

NedTrain B.V.

NedTrain executes for NS Reizigers B.V. the installation of an Emergency Brake Takeover System. This system should allow the Train driver to take over the Emergency Brake when this is activated by a passenger on a location where stopping the train may cause danger and risks to the passengers. Therefore NedTrain is looking for a party who can deliver an Electrical Emergency Brake instead of the current Pneumatically system, that provides the Train driver to take over the Emergency braking, in order to stop the Train at a more convenient or reachable place. The Emergency Brake Takeover system will be installed in Train series ICM and DDZ, being the rolling stock that drives through tunnels and over bridges most. NedTrain designed the system itself.
This European Tender will be divided in three Lots:
A: The Emergency Brake Switches;
B: The Relay Panels;
C: The Solenoid Valves.
Spareparts may also be part of the scope.
Candidates will have the opportunity to participate in one or more Lots. Based on the first planning, the contract will start proximally week 45.
For further details, please be referred to the Request For Information.

De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2013-08-05. De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2013-07-05.

De volgende leveranciers worden genoemd in gunningsbesluiten of andere aanbestedingsdocumenten:



Datum Document
2013-07-05 Aankondiging van een opdracht
2014-04-25 Award Aankondiging