Two-photon laser scanning microscope for in vitro studies of living neurons at high resolution
Two-photon laser scanning microscope for in vitro studies of living neurons at high resolutionTo measure the dynamics of intracellular processes and scan neuronal structures in preparations of in vitro brain slices, slice- and neuronal cultures three research groups of the Netherlands Institute for Neurosciences require a 2-photon microscope combined with several visible lasers, to be integrated with two independent IR lasers (which are available on-site). We need to use low laser intensities for long lasting fluorescence imaging (low photo toxicity) at high resolution (requiring high-resolution detectors). The system needs to resolve the smallest possible neuronal substructures (e.g. dendritic spines and axon collaterals, ~0.4 µm) while simultaneously be able to photo-activate rhodopsin or photo-uncage caged neurotransmitter compounds at preselected sites in the image field at high-spatial and temporal resolution. The specific system requirements and wishes are as follows;
De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2013-02-08.
De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2012-12-21.
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