The delivery of a flooring system with integrated fixation points for related seats and interior systems for trains

NedTrain B.V.

The scope of supply of this European Tender consists of the following:
NedTrain is looking for a supplier of flooring systems. The supplier is the system integrator for this part and is responsible for the delivery of a complete system, concisting of the floor covering (including bonding time) and labour to mount the floor into the train. The suppliers for the floor covering and labour are already selected by NedTrain.
The system integrator is responsible for the hours of labour they have calculated to install the floor and floor covering including the bonding time. Nedtrain will contract the already selected suppliers based on the calculated hours for installation and bonding time from the system integrator.
— Flooring system with integrated fixation points for related seats and interior parts,
— Calculating the hours to install the floor and the floor covering (including the bonding time),
— Installation time and bonding time of the flooring system and floor covering,
— All related parts and products to install the floor in the train.
Engineering, transport, logistics, returnable racks, packaging, installation tooling, Nedtrain intends to conclude an agreement for a period of 5 years with the option to extend 2 times the contract for the duration 2 years.
Please note that this European tender does not only apply to the VIRM m1 project, but is also applicable to any other future refurbishment – and/or upgrade project. These other projects are options, which NedTrain may at its discretion call on. These options are not only applicable to the duration of the agreement but also on to any addenda and/or extensons of the validity period. Candidates can derive no rights from these options.
NedTrain will execute for NS Reizigers B.V. the refurbishment of the double deck VIRM coaches. After refurbishment, the new trainsets will be taken in operation as VIRMm1 trainsets. The project covers approximately 416 coaches which are used as 4 and 6-car trainsets.
Through a number of European tenders NedTrain will purchase and have delivered goods and services required. The goods and services are (most likely) to be acquired from multiple suppliers. As the VIRMm1 project is to be executed strictly in accordance with the project planning, much is asked of NedTrain and each of the suppliers to be selected. The different suppliers to be selected must be able to deliver the goods and services exactly in time (in accordance with the “Just in Time”-principle) and – if included in the scope of the respective tender – arrange for the installation of the goods delivered on NedTrain’s production line within the available time. The various parts of the project and goods to be delivered need to be compatible and to be integrated. Therefore, suppliers that are selected in any of the tenders shall be required to discuss and work together with NedTrain and other suppliers to solve the various issues that may arise with regard to the integration and compatibility of the supplied equipment and all other matters that need to be addressed in order for NedTrain to be able to complete the VIRMm1 project in time.

De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2012-02-23. De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2012-01-19.



Datum Document
2012-01-19 Aankondiging van een opdracht