Industrial pc's and hardware
The required goods to be provided under this tender consist of Windows based high performance PC for industrial environments with 64 bits architecture and supporting at least 8 GB of internal memory. Also four network ports and a minimum of two video ports should be available. The processor should be (or comparable with) an Intel processor.
Because of the installed base the requirements will be split up into Client systems en Server systems. The Client systems can be split up in small sized and normal sized systems. It’s preferred that the applicant combines these requirements into one (small sized) system.
The Client systems will be installed with MS Windows client operating system (probably windows 7 Enterprise) and the Server system with MS Windows server operating system (probably windows 2008 R2). Therefore all components used in the system should follow the Microsoft procedure WHQL (Windows Hardware Quality Labs).
The systems should be non-special items (not special designed for Gasunie) that are sold in substantial quantities on the commercial market (off-the-shelf).
De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2012-10-01.
De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2012-08-24.
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