Fuel Gas Conditiong System (FGCS) IOS DE
For the connection between Gasunie Deutschland network and the Nordeuropäische Erdgasleitung (NEL) for natural gas a compressor station and two metering- and reducingstations will be built in Germany. The compressor station and one metering stations will be built at Achim and one metering station will be built at Heidenau.
For the compressorstation Achim two fuel gas conditioning systems are needed. One fuel gas system will be used for the gasturbines which will drive the gasturbines and the other fuel gas system for the utility boilers (hot water system) which heat up the buildings and the fuel gas of the gasturbines. These fuel gas conditioning systems need at least the following functions:
— filtering,
— heaters (hot water heat exchanger for the fuel gas of the gasturbine, electrical heat exchanger for the boilers),
— pressure reducing and safe guarding (from high pressure +/- 70 bar to +/- 20 bar for the gasturbine and from +/- 70 bar to 35mbar for the boilers),
— fiscal gas metering.
For the metering- and reducing station of Heidenau and Achim a fuel gas conditioning system, which at least the following functions:
— filtering,
— heaters (hot water heat exchanger and an electrical heat exchanger),
— pressure reducing and safeguarding,
— fiscal gas metering.
All these fuel gas skids should be in accordance with the DVGW rules and will have a design pressure of 100 barg and a minimum design temperature of -20 degrees. In principle each fuel gas system will exist of two runs (N+1 configuration). In case of a malfunction one run should be able to handle the maximum capacity. Flow metering is not redundant.
The scope of the delivery is engineering, construction, testing etc. for each train to deliver a complete skid which filters, heaters, pressure control valves, safety shut off valves, flow metering, block valves, instrumentation, documentation (drawings, certificates) etc.
During commissioning of the plant assistance for starting up the fuel gas skids is required.
The estimated requires on site date is for Heidenau foreseen for Q2 2013 and for Achim Q2 2014.
De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2012-06-27.
De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2012-05-14.
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