Distributed 380kV cable temperature monitoring and rating

TenneT TSO B.V.

TenneT has installed the 380kV high voltage connection 'Randstad380', which is a 380 kV high voltage connection including cables. Although several 380 kV cable projects have been realized in Europe, the operation experiences of this kind of cable in meshed networks are very limited in general. Operation time is relatively short and behaviour of this kind of cables in 380 kV transmission systems is not clear. Therefore, TenneT has defined a research program in which the behaviour of long 380 kV cable lengths will be investigated. The investigations comprise studies on system level (the static, dynamic and harmonic behaviours under different operational conditions) and on component level (availability and reliability). TenneT has asked to proof the theoretical models on system level using off-line and on-line measurements. This system is called a Distributed Temperature Sensing System (DTS). Next to the temperature, TenneT wants to know the static and dynamic load of the cable system. This system is called the Real Time Thermal Rating (RTTR). The goal of this tender is to select one (1) supplier for a framework agreement for the mentioned systems and ancillary services.

De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2012-08-20. De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2012-08-02.




Datum Document
2012-08-02 Aankondiging van een opdracht