Consultant for pre-implementation support on the Bangladesh Textile Water Sustainability Program

Ministerie van Economische Zaken, Landbouw en Innovatie, Agentschap NL

The consultant (one individual) will coordinate the pre-implementation activities of the Bangladesh Textile Water Sustainability Program, acting as an integral part of an IFC design team. The duty station is Dhaka, Bangladesh. A minimum in-country presence of 70 % is required during the assignment period. During the assignment presence is required in Dhaka during three periods. Two periods could be spend at home base. The timing of the three periods in Dhaka will be decided together with the teamleader after commencement of the assignment. Additionally presence in Dhaka is required from 23.7.2012 until 3.8.2012.
Scope of work:
a. Support the various technical consultants/teams during implementation of surveys, assessments, pilots.
b. Organize consultative events/workshops with local stakeholders (e.g., suppliers, buyers, local associations, government).
c. Support relationship management with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Global Water Program, Netherlands Water Partnership, and other relevant Dutch organizations.
d. Close contact with local IFC Dhaka team (Bangladesh), specifically regarding relationship with industry (brands, factories, associations) via ongoing Cleaner Production program.
e. Support to Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) related pre-implementation activities and/or water footprint assessments at factory- and textile cluster level
f. Create exposure for Dutch providers of water sector technology and services in view of the investment phase of the project; liaise with Dutch water sector on opportunities arising out of this project, e.g. via trade mission or similar event.
g. Other activities as agreed with the IFC Team Leader (based in Kolkata, India).

De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2012-07-05. De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2012-06-28.




Datum Document
2012-06-28 Aankondiging van een opdracht