Transport services and hire of cranes

N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie

Objective of this publication is to come to an contract of 5 years with an option for prolongation of 2 more years with 1 or 2 suppliers of:
โ€” transport services (weekly round between dutch locations, transport on demand in case of an emergency a.o. trailers for gas bottle transport, recompression trailer and other transportation on demand),
โ€” letting of cranes.
Parties interested should apply for both lots.
Remark: "Letting of cranes" will be only about 10 % of the contracting value.

De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2011-11-21. De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2011-10-06.




Datum Document
2011-10-06 Aankondiging van een opdracht
2011-10-27 Aanvullende inlichtingen
2012-03-07 Award Aankondiging