The delivery, installation, warranty and maintenance of 1 X-ray computed tomography system at the JRC-IET
To fulfil the requirements and needs of the activities of the Institute for Energy and Transport (IET), the IET is equipped with different facilities for micro- and nanoanalysis of materials. X-ray computed tomography is an important and upcoming technique for 3-dimensional imaging. Within the Microstructure Analysis Services of the IET a multi-purpose X-ray computed tomography system could be accessed and used by different users for a multitude of applications.
The JRC-IET thus seeks to purchase 1 factory-new X-ray computed tomography system with certain technical specifications, and services related thereto.
De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2011-10-13.
De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2011-08-26.
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