Supply of a low energy ion scattering instrument (LEIS system)

FOM Institute for Plasma Physics Rijnhuizen

The nSI department of FOM is looking to purchase an LEIS system for quantitative analysis of in-situ deposited layers. In this context, the term “in-situ” is used to indicate that the layers are deposited in an integrated instrument such that samples can be transferred between deposition and analysis points quickly (minutes) and without exposure to atmospheric conditions. Examples of processes will be studied with the LEIS system include layer growth, material intermixing, and surface contamination.
The LEIS system and associated deposition facilities must be installed as a stand-alone instrument at FOM. In the foreseeable future (most probably 2014) the LEIS system will be attached directly to a wider cluster of instruments (currently in the planning and design stage) in order to allow transport of samples under high vacuum conditions between different diagnostic techniques.
The subject of this tender (and the agreement resulting from this tender) is the design, fabrication, delivery DDP (incotermes 2000), installation, and validation. of a suitable LEIS system.

De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2012-01-30. De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2011-12-13.

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Datum Document
2011-12-13 Aankondiging van een opdracht
2012-10-01 Award Aankondiging