The objective of this tender is to conclude a contract with the successful tenderer for the delivery to a Consignment Inventory of a new generation of displays and controllers to be used in the Schiphol Dynamic Display Program including an RMA as part of this contract. The displays and controllers will be deployed as the replacement and the, during contract period foreseen, extension of the current Installed Base.
The current Installed Base can be divided in two areas each with its own characteristics:
I) Displays and controllers deployed in areas accessible for passengers.
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol is a modern airport, which is constantly busy renewing itself and staying up-to-date in regard with technologies, designs, passenger comfort, innovation, sustainability, etc. The new displays and controllers should reflect this ambition: the design of the monitors should be innovative, modern and complying with architectural standards (1). The look of the monitors should reflect a durable and professional design which won't be outdated over the next couple of years.
Finally the displays and controllers in this area must be temper proof (2), are also mounted in clusters (3) (current Installed Base consists of approx. 250 clusters) and operational in a public environment (4).
II) Displays and Controllers deployed in luggage handling areas.
Robust design (5) operational in an industrial environment (6) only in stand-alone placing.
There will be a severe focus on actual energy consumption and thermal emission in order to help SNBV to comply with its objectives of being climate neutral in 2012.
Special attention will be given to green logistics, sustainable packing and cradle-to-cradle design.
The installation, service and logistic support will be executed by an already contracted company.
The migration from the Samsung displays and infologic controllers in the current Installed Base to the new Displays and Controllers will take place in approximately 3 years and will be executed by an already selected subcontractor of SNBV.
(1) The form of the frame should be plain and directionless, sober and with straight lines; the front bezel should be narrow and unostentatious. No buttons or switches should be on the font side of the bezel, no conspicuous and toppled logo's. Because a terminal building is full of life, movement, natural and artificial light, the monitors should be made of non-reflecting material and the displays shall be treated with an anti-glare matte finish for reduced reflection. This will give the passengers a higher viewing quality while getting their flight information. The colour of the bezel and the frame should match the interior of Schiphol Airport.
(2) The experience SNBV has with the current Installed Base is that passengers may try to influence the good operation of the displays and controllers by pressing buttons, the use of remote controls, access to cables, etc.
(3) 2 to 8 displays located in a row in such a way that, from observer perspective, form one (1) unit.
(4) The air in this environment will contain next to dust and kerosene particles also particles coming from the railway station.
(5) Mounted or mountable in protective cases.
(6) The protective cases are mounted around the mechanical luggage handling system.
De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2011-03-03.
De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2011-01-25.
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