Mechanical repairs Velsen 24 power plant - boiler and connected equipment
The Velsen 24 power plant is a conventional gas powered power plant with a boiler and a steamturbine and has an output of 460 MW. It has also a gas turbine (25MW) for emergency use. The power plant is fuelled with blast furnace gas (Dowson) from nearby blast furnaces and natural gas. Velsen 24 is first commissioned in 1974. The power plant will be overhauled, in combination with a life time extension programme, in Q4 2012. The activities comprise a.o. mechanical repairs on various equipment e.g. steam boiler, pipeline systems, cooling water channels, flue gas ducts etc. (not exhaustive) of the power plant during the overhaul that is planned in Q4 2012. This publication refers to these activities.
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