DNA sequencing
Most of the Sanger sequencing demand from NCB Naturalis will stem from the institute's high throughput DNA barcode facility, aimed at delivering 27 000 barcodes up to 2014. On average 1 barcode comprises 4 sequencing reactions because of the plant multi-region barcode. In addition, there will be non-barcode sequencing activity probably worth at least 10 plates per year. For this tender this makes therefore an expected Sanger sequencing volume of: 27 000 barcodes x 2 sequencing reactions x (average) two regions = about 110 000 sequences or about 1 150 plates, 2012 until 2014.
Non-barcoding Sanger sequencing will account for 5 x 10 = 50 plates NCB requires the following specifications for the generation of this volume of Sanger data: 'Full sequencing including purification', i.e. NCB submits unpurified amplicons + separate sequencing primers .Sequencing primers have universal tails .NCB does not measure amplicon quality/yield prior to submission .Average 2 plates per day is expected but peak-pressure (up to 50 plates a week) as well as slack-time must be dealt with .Most plates are single- or two-primer reactions but more primers per plate are possible .Occasionally, strips rather than plates may have to be processed as well, in case of separate reactions that, collectively, do not fill-up a plate .Standard read length of 800bp per reaction.Turnover time must not exceed 1 week; for 10 % of the Sanger volume a 2 days (max) turnover must be guaranteed, even when not always needed .At least 1 free re-run for each entire-plate sequencing reaction failure .At least one pick-up a week from the institute, with, in case of travel times >1 hour, samples kept on ice or frozen during transport. NCB must be able to have sequence tracer files named according to own naming system. Fast on-line data transfer back to NCB Naturalis.
De termijn voor de ontvangst van de offertes was 2011-11-18.
De aanbesteding werd gepubliceerd op 2011-09-29.
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