Leverancier: Zurich Insurance plc Netherlands Branch, AXA Versicherung AG,RSA Nederland en XL Insurance Company Limited

Eén gearchiveerde aanbesteding

Zurich Insurance plc Netherlands Branch, AXA Versicherung AG,RSA Nederland en XL Insurance Company Limited is van oudsher een leverancier van financiële en verzekeringsdiensten, diensten op het gebied van verzekeringen en pensioenen en verzekeringsdiensten.

Recente aanbestedingen waarbij de leverancier Zurich Insurance plc Netherlands Branch, AXA Versicherung AG,RSA Nederland en XL Insurance Company Limited wordt genoemd

2011-02-14   Insurance services (Enecogen V.O.F.)
It concerns the all risk insurance (including machinery breakdown, property and business interruption) of a newly built gas fired power plant situated in the Netherlands at a location in Rotterdam-Europoort. The tender is divided as follows: 1. 50 % of the machinery breakdown/property to be placed with leading insurers; 2. 50 % of the machinery breakdown/property to be placed with to-follow insurers which will be fronting for the captive insurer DONG Insurance AS (Denmark); 3. Business interruption on … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
Genoemde leveranciers: Zurich Insurance plc Netherlands Branch Zurich Insurance plc Netherlands Branch,... Zurich Insurance plc Netherlands Branch,...