Leverancier: Zurich Insurance plc Netherlands Branch

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Recente aanbestedingen waarbij de leverancier Zurich Insurance plc Netherlands Branch wordt genoemd

2011-02-14   Insurance services (Enecogen V.O.F.)
It concerns the all risk insurance (including machinery breakdown, property and business interruption) of a newly built gas fired power plant situated in the Netherlands at a location in Rotterdam-Europoort. The tender is divided as follows: 1. 50 % of the machinery breakdown/property to be placed with leading insurers; 2. 50 % of the machinery breakdown/property to be placed with to-follow insurers which will be fronting for the captive insurer DONG Insurance AS (Denmark); 3. Business interruption on … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
Genoemde leveranciers: Zurich Insurance plc Netherlands Branch Zurich Insurance plc Netherlands Branch,... Zurich Insurance plc Netherlands Branch,...