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Leverancier: Phoenix Calibration & Services Ltd
Leverancier: Phoenix Calibration & Services Ltd
Eรฉn gearchiveerde aanbesteding
Phoenix Calibration & Services Ltd is van oudsher een leverancier van
laboratoriuminstrumenten, optische en precisie-instrumenten (uitgezonderd brillen)
controle- en testapparatuur
machines en toestellen voor testen en meten
Recente aanbestedingen waarbij de leverancier Phoenix Calibration & Services Ltd wordt genoemd
The supply, installation and warranty of 2 small punch creep test rigs at the JRC-IET
European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Energy and Transport
The small punch creep testing method involves multi-axial loading causing interactions between a number of nonlinear processes. The Institute for Energy and Transport intends to purchase 2 small punch creep testing rigs (hereinafter; the equipment) to perform small punch creep tests in inert gas atmospheres. The future contractor shall supply the equipment and perform related services.
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Genoemde leveranciers:
Phoenix Calibration & Services Ltd
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