Leverancier: CDR International B.V.

2 gearchiveerde aanbestedingen

Recente aanbestedingen waarbij de leverancier CDR International B.V. wordt genoemd

2023-03-06   A03.003.2023 Consultancy Services for the Detailed Project Design, Supervision Training, and Sediment Management... (Invest International Public Programmes B.V.)
The Kingdom of Bhutan represented by the Ministry of Finance (MoF) has received a DRIVE Grant from Invest International on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (MoFA) to enhance the flood resiliency of the Gelephu Thromde town, Bhutan. On behalf of the MoF, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport of Bhutan (MoIT) has been assigned the responsibility of Competent Authority to implement the projects via its Infrastructure Planning and Flood Adaptation Division โ€ฆ Bekijk de aanbesteding ยป
Genoemde leveranciers: CDR International B.V.
2018-02-21   Studie oeverbeschermingsmaatregelen Mao rivier - Bhutan (Ministerie van Economische Zaken, Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO))
Europese aanbesteding volgens de openbare procedure voor een studie oeverbeschermingsmaatregelen Mao rivier - Bhutan. Bekijk de aanbesteding ยป
Genoemde leveranciers: CDR International B.V.