Leverancier: Ages ESP GmbH

Eรฉn gearchiveerde aanbesteding

Ages ESP GmbH is van oudsher een leverancier van software en informatiesystemen, informatiesystemen en servers en informatiesystemen.

Recente aanbestedingen waarbij de leverancier Ages ESP GmbH wordt genoemd

2013-05-08   Eurovignette (Belastingdienst, IUC Belastingdienst)
The Dutch Tax and Customs Administration/Central Administration Office, on behalf of Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark and Sweden, issues a tender for a joint system for both the area in which the Eurovignette-rate is levied and the 'belt' area around these Member States. The Contracting Authority is looking for one suitable service provider for the provision of an online real-time entry system, which partially comprises a section of the current points of sale and the current payment โ€ฆ Bekijk de aanbesteding ยป
Genoemde leveranciers: Ages ESP GmbH