2021-08-26   Indicatieve drugstesten (Politie Nederland)
Deze opdracht betreft het aanbesteden van de indicatieve drugstesten t.b.v. de 1e lijn van de politie Basisteams, Infra en Tactische opsporing. Bekijk de aanbesteding ยป
Genoemde leveranciers: HazmatLINK Ltd.
2015-03-06   Supply of a recirculation loop to purify water with an ion exchanger and flush it through a test specimen installed... (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Energy and Transport)
The JRC-IET plans to modify an existing installation for thermal fatigue creep testing (TFC) and needs a new pure water circulation loop to flush water through a heated metal specimen to induce thermal shocks periodically (typically around 1 per minute for up to at least 10 000 cycles per test and possibly more). Bekijk de aanbesteding ยป