2015-07-11   Borssele Inter-Array Cable Manufacturing (NV NUON Duurzame Energie)
Inter-Array Cable Manufacturing of 1 or 2 Lots for the Borssele Offshore Wind Energy Area. Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2015-07-11   Borssele Inter-Array Cable Installation (NV NUON Duurzame Energie)
Installation Works for Inter-Array Cables for the Borssele Offshore Wind Energy Area. Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2015-07-03   Lowering and Remedial Burial NorNed cable in Westereems area (TenneT TSO)
The NorNed HVDC cable, constructed in the period between 2006 and 2008 is a HVDC long distance 450 kV power exchange link between Feda in Norway and Eemshaven in The Netherlands and for the first 270 kilometres consist of two identical single core mass impregnated cables with one common double steel armoring. Due to (1) deepening of the Westereems shipping channel and (2) unstable seabed in the Waddensea area, the Cable burial depths must at these locations be increased while the Cable remains in … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2014-10-06   HVDC Cable system COBRA Cable (TenneT TSO)
The Dutch and Danish Transmission System Operators (TSO's), TenneT and Energinet.dk, wish to realize a power link (interconnector) between Endrup in Denmark and Eemshaven in The Netherlands. The purpose of the power link (interconnector), titled COBRAcable, is to allow the integration of more renewable energy into the European power grid through the Dutch and Danish power systems and to increase security of power supply. This contract notice is regarding the scope for a submarine and underground cable … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2014-02-07   COBRAcable Licensing Dutch and German Inshore (TenneT TSO)
A subsea HVDC interconnector is to connect the Dutch grid at Eemshaven managed by TenneT TSO with the Danish grid at Endrup managed by Energinet.dk. The initiative called COBRAcable started in 2010 by introducing it to several competent authorities. After a break of 1.5 years the project planning has resumed in autumn 2013.The route of the interconnector can be divided into five sections: -Dutch land route-Southern inshore (Dutch/German landfall till 12-mileszone)-German EEZ-Northern inshore (Danish … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
2012-04-05   Remedial burial activities NorNed HVDC cable in Eems/Waddenzee area (TenneT TSO B.V.)
Remedial burial activities to increase the protection of the NorNed HVDC cable in the Eems and Waddenzee along the cable route from KP 0.0 to KP 40.0. Target burial depth is 2 meters and at certain areas 3 meters. Preference is that activities are executed while HVDC cable connection is in operation at + 450 kV DC and - 450 kV DC. The NorNed HVDC cable, constructed in the period from 2006 to 2008, consists of a two core HVDC connection between the Netherlands and Norway. The area between KP 0.0 (the … Bekijk de aanbesteding »
Genoemde leveranciers: Van Oord Offshore B.V.
2011-07-14   Deepening the NorNed cable in the Westereems Shipping Channel (TenneT TSO BV)
The Westereems (Waddenzee area, Netherlands) has to be deepened for vessel traffic reasons. The NorNed cable crosses the Westereems and the NorNed cable has to be deepened accordingly. Objective is to perform the deepening activities in 2011; preferences is execution in septerber/october 2011. Bekijk de aanbesteding »