Aanbestedingen: UBR — HIS namens Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken

Eén gearchiveerde aanbesteding

Recente aankopen door UBR — HIS namens Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken

2016-06-30   European tender Policy Research On Geopolitics, Region around Europe, Europe and the EU, Security and defence and... (UBR — HIS namens Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken)
The ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence need external strategic policy supporting research, analysis and related services in the field of foreign, European and security policy. These services will be tendered in 5 lots by means of a European open tender. The 5 lots are described briefly further on in this notice. More information about the content of the framework agreements and the procedure can be found in the tendering documents. Bekijk de aanbesteding »
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