Aanbestedingen: European Commission, JRC โ€” Joint Research Centre, JRC.R โ€” Support Services (Brussels), JRC.R.2 โ€” Support Services Petten

4 gearchiveerde aanbestedingen

European Commission, JRC โ€” Joint Research Centre, JRC.R โ€” Support Services (Brussels), JRC.R.2 โ€” Support Services Petten is van oudsher een koper van reparatie- en onderhoudsdiensten, bouwwerkzaamheden en volledige of gedeeltelijke bouw- en civieltechnische werkzaamheden.
Historisch gezien zijn de leveranciers van European Commission, JRC โ€” Joint Research Centre, JRC.R โ€” Support Services (Brussels), JRC.R.2 โ€” Support Services Petten Schadenberg Dakwerken B.V. en Zorgvervoer Centrale Nederland BV.

Recente aankopen door European Commission, JRC โ€” Joint Research Centre, JRC.R โ€” Support Services (Brussels), JRC.R.2 โ€” Support Services Petten

2021-04-15   The Maintenance of the Roofs of the Buildings of JRC Petten including Related Installations (European Commission, JRC โ€” Joint Research Centre, JRC.R โ€” Support Services (Brussels), JRC.R.2 โ€” Support Services Petten)
There are several buildings on the JRC Petten site and at the club house in Bergen of which the roofs and additionally in particular installations, must be maintained. Bekijk de aanbesteding ยป
Genoemde leveranciers: Schadenberg Dakwerken B.V.
2020-10-29   The Maintenance of the Roofs of the Buildings of JRC Petten including Related Installations (European Commission, JRC โ€” Joint Research Centre, JRC.R โ€” Support Services (Brussels), JRC.R.2 โ€” Support Services Petten)
There are several buildings on the JRC Petten site and at the club house in Bergen of which the roofs and additionally in particular installations, must be maintained. Bekijk de aanbesteding ยป
2020-08-10   taxi diensten โ€” raamcontract voor vervoer van personen (European Commission, JRC โ€” Joint Research Centre, JRC.R โ€” Support Services (Brussels), JRC.R.2 โ€” Support Services Petten)
Deze openbare aanbesteding betreft het vervoer per taxi van personen voornamelijk van en naar Petten, treinstations (in hoofdzaak Alkmaar), het vliegveld Schiphol en overige bestemmingen. De doelgroep betreft voornamelijk medewerkers gedurende missies en in mindere mate bezoekers. Bekijk de aanbesteding ยป
Genoemde leveranciers: Zorgvervoer Centrale Nederland BV
2020-06-30   Supply and Installation of New Chillers in Buildings 308 and 309, Including Maintenance Services (European Commission, JRC โ€” Joint Research Centre, JRC.R โ€” Support Services (Brussels), JRC.R.2 โ€” Support Services Petten)
The procurement is about the replacement of old chillers with new more energy efficient chillers and an upgrade of the cooling system to improve reliability and energy performance. Beside that fact that the existing chillers are reaching the end of technical life, there is also the need to improve the energy efficiency of the cooling system. This can be reach with new chillers and with an upgrade of the cooling system process to improve performances. Bekijk de aanbesteding ยป