Aanbestedingen: European Commission, JRC - Joint Research Centre, JRC.G - Nuclear Safety and Security (Karlsruhe), JRC.G.10 - Knowledge for Nucl

Eén gearchiveerde aanbesteding

European Commission, JRC - Joint Research Centre, JRC.G - Nuclear Safety and Security (Karlsruhe), JRC.G.10 - Knowledge for Nucl is van oudsher een koper van diensten voor onderwijs en opleiding, opleidingsdiensten en beroepsopleidingsdiensten.
Historisch gezien zijn de leveranciers van European Commission, JRC - Joint Research Centre, JRC.G - Nuclear Safety and Security (Karlsruhe), JRC.G.10 - Knowledge for Nucl GEN energia d.o.o en Nuccon GmbH.

Recente aankopen door European Commission, JRC - Joint Research Centre, JRC.G - Nuclear Safety and Security (Karlsruhe), JRC.G.10 - Knowledge for Nucl

2018-11-21   Framework Service Contract for the Provision of Training to the European Clearinghouse on Operating Experience of... (European Commission, JRC - Joint Research Centre, JRC.G - Nuclear Safety and Security (Karlsruhe), JRC.G.10 - Knowledge for Nucl)
The JRC acts as the operating agent of the European Network on Operating Experience Feedback (OEF) for nuclear power plants, also known as the European Clearinghouse. The organization of several training courses on various topics is required. The courses shall be oriented towards nuclear regulatory experts who have to monitor or participate in the analysis of events occurred in nuclear power plants. Bekijk de aanbesteding »
Genoemde leveranciers: GEN energia d.o.o Nuccon GmbH